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List of resources on Sustainable Software Engineering

Roles, Responsibilities & Sustainability

User perspective

As a user
I want
my updates to be

Architect perspective

As an Architect
I want
to set the principles so the software fulfils

Architects can include sustainability in non functional requirements of the architecture

Using CDN for Sustainable software engineering

Bin packing problem

Developer perspective

As a Developer
I want to fulfil

Operator perspective

Leader perspective

As a Product Owner
I’m responsible for
the product and the process it gets built by


Selecting infrastructure Responsibly

Key Actions for Leaders


  1. Sustinable Software Enginnering, Johannes Rudolph
  2. Morris, J, Becker, I: Parkin, S: (2019) In Control with No Control
  3. Raturi, A, Penzenstadler, B., Tomlinson, B. & Richardson, D. (2014, June)